Friday, August 5, 2011

A truly epic month!

One of the most difficult things in the Christian life can be absolute trust in the Lord.  The thing is, the Lord has one standard and the world has another that is contrary to God's.  Since we are in a sense trained up in the worlds ideals it becomes very difficult to understand and follow the Lord's way because it is not what we expect; it's not the way we think things should be.  But what about Job, or David?  As Job was having his life stripped away from him, what was he thinking about the Lord's method?  His life didn't look like anyone elses.  David was promised a great people and kingdom, yet Saul pursued him for years looking to end his life.  Things looked hopeless and opposite of their friends yet they remembered the Lord's character and that He knew better than they did.  In this stage in my life, I have seen this to be true more than ever before.  The Bible tells us to "trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding" and so I pray that this will minister to you as it has to me.  Remember that through love He explains to us that He knows best!

I started off this past month with the Rice & Beans ministry "base camp."  Rice & Beans is a simple ministry done through the Methodist church, run by a man known locally as papa Fred.  The concept is simple; use an everyday necessity like rice and beans to get a foot in the door to show God's love and present the gospel.  Base camp was a week long outreach from Monday to Thursday.  Starting at 9am, 5 groups went into different towns in the surrounding area doing kids ministry for half of the day followed by passing out rice and beans for the remainder of the day.  At the end of each day the 70 or so camp members from different parts of the world; North Carolina, Mississippi, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, met to share testimonies and worship the Lord for what He had done.  My main function was that of a translator for the evening worship time and for our door to door ministry.  This week was a life changing experience for me, truly epic!  Going house to house, seeing their great need really caused me to think, pray, and be thankful for what God has done in my life.  It was such a blessing to pray for these families but also frustrating because I was not able to spend more time with them simply sharing and loving.
The supplies for the door to door Rice & Beans ministry

A house we visited, keep the harsh raining season in mind

Playing soccer with the kids in General Viejo

Awesome little kids!

We visited the house of an epileptic woman.  Her mother threw her out of the house at a young age because she believed that her epilepsy was demon possession.  The woman's mother had given away one of her boys to a man because she thought that she was a danger to her children.  She fights daily to keep her other son.  As she told the story my heart broke thinking of the pain she has and is going through.  Her situation seems hopeless; she lives in a shack with a tin roof and bamboo for walls.  As I peered in I was amazed with the state of the house.  I have no words to describe the scene except that I have never seen such poverty before.  As I stood there in awe with tears in my eyes I was so honored to share the hope that we have in Christ.  I encouraged her to read her Bible and seek the Lord because like II Peter 1:3 tells us "He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness."  Lacking the words to say I could only pray for this woman.  Please keep her in prayer; pray for her to look to the Lord daily and that she finds even the most basic medical care for her epilepsy.
Immediately following base camp we went into another "club de niños" with Calvary Chapel San Isidro, now known as "El Camino," or "The Way." We packed this 2 day event with kids songs, puppets, face painting, balloon animals, and so much more!  It was such a blast to hang out and play with those kids.  From this event we hope to continue a weekly "club de niños."
Explaining the fruits of the Spirit song

Making swords for boys, they're so easy to please...meanwhile girls want Siamese butterflies...

One of our life-size very realistic puppets

Doing kids songs

In a continuing effort to kick off a skate ministry I finally finished the construction of the famous grind box.  All that's left is finishing the wood with a varnish so that it can stand up against the harsh conditions that it will inevitably face.  Then we move onto getting the angle iron cut, welded and fitted onto the box.  Please pray for favorable weather when I decide to go out as raining season will undoubtedly slow us down.

The frame.  That thing is solid

Almost there...

Complete!...well almost

Finally, the story you've all been waiting for.  I felt truly blessed to have my close friends Max and Donna visit me from New Jersey this past week.  On one of our touristy trips we decided to visit Nauyaca falls, a place I had been to at least 4 times previously.  It began to rain and when we paid to take the trail, the woman who lived and worked there sternly warned us to be careful and turn back if the rain continued as strongly as it was.  As we approached the waterfalls the rain stopped, so we decided to go for a swim.  Deciding to explore further we crossed the river and go no more than 100 feet up a trail.  We turned back in less than 10 minutes only to find that the river had risen considerably, the falls themselves were at least 3 times more powerful, and the current was too strong to brave.  With our belongings on the other side of the river we desperately searched for a way across and found that continued attempts would probably result in one of us getting washed away or seriously injured.  I was truly afraid for our lives!  Barefoot and shirtless in the pouring rain we hiked up and down the river searching to be reunited with our bags that had ALL of our important documents.  I was praying a lot for guidance, wondering what the purpose of this time was, and wondering what we would do for sleep as the sun was going down. We followed a trail that led us to a house where 4 Americans were staying.  They were very kind to us. They offered us food and dry clothes.  I was also so blessed to be able to share the gospel with the 2 girls staying in that house; perhaps this was one of the purposes for our adventure.  After discussing our options we were left with no choice but to stay with them in one of their spare cabins.  We set out at sunrise to get to our things across the river only to discover that they had been washed away when the river had risen 15 feet the night before.  2 men that worked at the property where we paid for the trail happened to be there right when we arrived and helped us across the still powerful river.  Honestly just happy to be alive we learned that the night before they sent out a search party for us.  The family was also very kind to us, they fed us breakfast, with coffee and even gave us $60.  We were so blessed by how the Lord worked through the whole situation, to see the genuine concern and excitement of these people for our safety, and seeing how the Lord provided a way for us to get replacements for our important documents.  It was truly an experience I will never forget.

This next semester is coming faster than we can keep up with.  I am looking forward to teaching I & II Kings as a weekly class.  Although it's a long book I know it's jam packed with great stories and life changing lessons and I feel truly privileged to teach it.  As of today we have 4 American students, and 3 Costa Rican students enrolled for the coming semester.  Please keep the teaching of the word in serious prayer.  One of my biggest desires is to see His word understood by all of His people!

Thank you so much for all your prayer, love, and support.  It means more than you know.  I am praying for you all, that He will reveal Himself to you daily and guide you in truth!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Starting a new chapter

Job 23:13 says "but He is unique, and who can make Him change? And whatever His soul desires, that He does."  Reading this in my devotions I came to a revealing conclusion.  See, our mindset from a human standpoint when we see a phrase like this is absolute selfishness; when we here people say that, it means they're going to do what they want even if it hurts others around them.  When it comes to the Lord however, it is quite the opposite.  I hear this verse and my first thought is, "oh boy, I'm going to get it." But again, our God is not like that.  When He does what His soul desires it means great things for us are in store.  They may not be how we expect them or when we expect them, but He truly desires to bless us; that is what "His soul desires."  I pray that we understand this principle; that we never think that the Lord is out to get us, or that we think that He doesn't care what we think or desire.

This past month has been an interesting one.  We started off the month by going to an all boys orphanage that much to my surprise ended up being a lot closer to our house than I expected.  Sosi and I went with a group led by Peyton, a missionary that lives close to Dominical.  It was much the same set-up as when we went to the girls orphanage except these guys were even rowdier than the girls.  We played games, hung out, did a Bible lesson, and did some crafts.  Those kids are really in need of love and consistency; I really hope to, along with the Bible college students, show them even a glimpse of Christs' love and His faithfulness. It seems it will go a little easier for us to get plugged in here than it was with the girls orphanage.  Lord willing we'll be able to get the guy students involved this coming semester as part of their community service.

The boys orphanage

Mike Chavez and I talking to some kids

The remainder of my month was spent basically visiting with people.  I was so blessed to visit California for a short 10-day trip.  It was such a refreshing time with my family, close friends, and the Calvary Hot Springs youth group.  I also had the opportunity to share what the Lord was doing here in Costa Rica with the Calvary Hot Springs congregation.  It was such a blessing to be around so many loving familiar faces and hear how the Lord has been working in them since I've been gone.  The Lord is so faithful to provide us with such encouraging fellowship!

The next 2 weeks were spent with Hollie, Jessica, and Carrie as they visited Costa Rica.  We were also very encouraged by their fellowship and servants hearts.  We got the chance to see different parts of Costa Rica with them that previously we weren't able to visit.

Leading the attack on...

Jessica and Hollie waiting to climb...more just posing for pictures while we climbed

While in California the Lord provided further finances for the mobile skate park and I'm excited to say that the grind box materials are in the garage.  Hopefully this week I'll get a start on it.  It's been really exciting to see skaters around town and even have the opportunity to talk to them and explain to them the idea.  It's something that they really want and I believe has HUGE  potential to be effective.  Along with the skate park Darwin and I have put together a tract based on John 10:10, the abundant life in Christ.  Although I'm not normally into tracts I also really believe that this one has the potential to be effective as it is specifically geared toward the culture here.  The start of something new, the start of a new chapter is always something to look forward to and pray a lot for.  Please pray for the youth in this town, they desperately need Christ and they don't even know it.

Plywood, 2x4, sandpaper, polyurethane, angle iron, and paintbrushes for the grind box

Our tract

The first Costa Rica teaching site semester came to an end about 2 weeks ago and so we bid the students a farewell with the blessing of a great semester in our memory. The students were truly a blessing; I hope they went home changed and even more equipped for the service of our Lord. We look forward to another semester of Bible college starting in August.  I will be overseeing Community Service again, please pray for further vision and organizational skills.  I will also be teaching another book of the Bible, hopefully an Old Testament book like I & II Kings.

Taylor and Chandler graduating

During this past semester we began to do a Sunday night chapel for the students.  As we've developed friendships here, we've had the chance to invite those same people to come out on Sunday's and fellowship with us.  I'm so amazed and blessed to see how the Lord took something that was just for the students and turned it into a weekly Bible study that our friends look forward to attending.   This past Sunday night we had no worship songs or musicians, so the Lord put it on my heart to read through Psalm 103 and open it up for discussion.  I was very surprised to see how much input there was, to see their hearts, and to see a different form of worship.  People are excited to keep coming and we feel privileged to be a part of this work.  Please pray that their lives would be truly changed and challenged. We truly desire to see the Lord do great things here.

Well thanks for tuning in, please keep us in prayer as we seek to fully serve our Lord.  Please email me with any prayer requests, I would love to hear from you and pray for you!  Thank you so much for your prayer and support!  You are all truly a blessing!
daily bus ride

Everyday life, cruisin' into town on the bus

One side of the bus station, I pass through here almost everyday

The bus I take to get home from the center of town

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Living in the concrete jungle

Often times I can wonder and even worry, asking the Lord if I am living for Him.  I compare myself to missionaries I have heard about, I think of hardcore prayer warriors that I've read about, etc.  My number one hearts desire is to hear from the Lord "well done my good and faithful servant." Those words are what I long for, what I live for; to please my Lord.  As I have examined myself, I come up short.  The great thing is that my salvation doesn't depend on my works!  If it were for that there would be no way I could make it into heaven. And so my desire to work for Him comes from a genuine desire to please Him and bring others to Him.  This being said why do I miss that mark?  As the Lord has been showing me lately this "problem" can be solved through simple, everyday obedience.  The truth is I become very nervous when He asks me to do things out of the ordinary, to step out of my comfort zone, to start a simple conversation with someone.  In this simple obedience however, I will please my Lord and possibly bring someone to Him with something so simple as a "buenos dias."  In acting on that still small voice I bring pleasure to Him.  Like Jesus said in John 8:29 I desire to "always do those things that please Him."  It's amazing what a simple hello will do and in obedience I got to talk to a lady at the bus stop, a conversation started with that simple "buenos dias."  On our bus trip to the center of town she went on to tell me about her son, his ambitions, and her hopes to have him serve the Lord.  Lord willing we will see him at church soon!

At the end of the month of April we had the chance to do a VBS style kids' club during the kids' week off for "semana santa" or "holy week."   It was held in the garage at the house where the female students stay.  We had an average of 25 kids a day come from our neighborhood as well as the surrounding neighborhoods.  We played games, sang kids songs, gave them snacks, did Bible lessons, and finished it all off with puppets.  Overall it went great.  I had the chance to lead one of the kids songs one day and also be king Solomon in one of the puppet shows.  Part of the purpose of this "club de niños" was to get a weekly kids club going on Friday afternoons.  Kids are so important and instrumental for the Lord as they are our future leaders in the church.  Children's ministry was largely influential for me and I know it can and will have the same affect on any one of these kids.  

Using my sweet balloon animal skills that I learned on the many Calvary Old bridge outreaches and VBS I attended.

Chelley overseeing

Annie with our Ruth puppet

That's Bailey in the back, she organized the whole thing

Darwin narrating the puppet show

How could you say no to any of these kids?

More puppets

Last week we did our tri-monthly trip to Panama with the students.  While we were there we dedicated an afternoon to practical ministry by doing garbage pick-up.  There was a lot of garbage!  A few of our students got asked about what we were doing and in turn got to share about the Lord and what we were doing in Central America.  The hotel manager was also challenged by our efforts and is going to start a garbage pick-up program.
Our bus across the border

At the local mall

Going on a hunt for garbage!

drugs on the street while picking up garbage.  Don't worry mom I didn't touch them

I'm still praying and thinking about the skatepark.  Everyday I see a skateboarder I get anxious to start building.  However, it's looking like we're going to start with portable ramps.  The vision I've gotten is to start off with a fun-box, quarter pipe and maybe even a little climbing wall, and have a weekly schedule of spots we'll visit.  We want to make flyers and have again, a consistent schedule that the kids can count on.  As we hang out and talk to the skaters we will share with them as the Lord leads and see if from this we can start a youth group.  I've also noticed quite a few bmx'rs in this town and as a result have had my eye on an abandoned dirt lot in our neighborhood.   If the Lord permits I want to make a bunch of dirt jumps, open it up to the community, and again hang out there and share God's love with these kids.
Plans for the funbox, total cost: $90

Finally, last week I got to hang out and play soccer on a dirt soccer field with a bunch of kids from our neighborhood "villa ligia."  They were younger kids from ages 7-12.  A few of them played barefoot and had no problem doing so.  Most were very good; they were definitely giving me a run for my money!  These kids are out there everyday and I hope to join them as often as possible, build a relationship with them and continue to show them God's love.  It's so great to see their response now that they know me as I pass by them in the neighborhood.  I'm excited to see what the Lord does!
Dirt soccer field

So I would ask of you as the reader to please pray for all these different things.  Please pray for the kids club, that these little kids would fall in love with Christ and influence future generations.  Please pray that the Lord would continue to show me how to reach the youth in this community through things like the skatepark/climbing wall/BMX jumps.   Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  I love you all and am continually praying for you.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rock climbing, skateparks, and youth!

Last weekend Ryan and I seized the opportunity to go up into a remote mountain town called Providencia that I had heard about from Rock & Ice magazine.  This very small town of no more than 300 people has become somewhat known for its many undiscovered rocks to climb.  The nature of our visit was just that; to check out the climbing scene in Providencia, especially since it has been over 4 months since I had been able to climb (yes, that's a big deal for me believe it or not). It was a long journey that the Lord blessed over and over again as we observed the Lord's amazing creation, were able to hitchhike into the town that was 16 km (about 10 miles) down the mountain, and met many friendly, helpful people.  To make a long story short we met with Eric Allen, a Canadian who has lived in this town for 15 years on and off.  He was the one interviewed in the Rock & Ice article and much to our surprise, he is a believer!  He and his wife Ying were very kind in blowing their entire day on us, showing us around the town, showing us the good boulders to climb and showing us their school a day before their trip back to Canada for 6 months. El Gimnasio de la mente is a sort of continuation of education for the youth in Providencia which only offers public schooling only up to 6th grade.  They incorporate outdoor activities (climbing, bouldering, hiking, camping), computer skills, moral values, and practical skills in their full academic curriculum.  All this to say if you are at all interested in being a part of this awesome ministry for a few months at a time please contact them at:  Also check out their websites: or at  They are looking for young, motivated, believers that are willing to invest in this towns' people and their relationship with Christ.

Ryan, trying out their indoor bouldering wall

Another section of the wall

This is known as "la cueva" of the cave

Eric and Ying Allen the founders of Gimnasio de la mente

One of Providencia's many climbable boulders

The B&B we stayed at with a conveniently placed large boulder

Awesome waterfall
Strangling Ficus that Ryan and I climbed.

      Also, today is the first official study for Capilla Calvario San Isidro grupo de jovenes (Calvary Chapel San Isidro youth group).  I'm excited to start the youth group, to see what the Lord decides to do.  Please pray for continued vision, passion, direction, and of course for the youth to be drawn to the youth group and most importantly to Him!  We are starting today's study off with a game, a time of getting to know each other, and studying God's character in His love and mercy.  We're also looking to make flyers to inform the youth about the study.  As we go through His characteristics I thought it would be useful to turn the flyer into a sort of tract, asking them questions about what they know of His character.  As we go through different subjects we'll change these flyers/tracts accordingly.

     In praying for the youth in this town the Lord has impressed on my heart, in response to there being a pretty large sub-culture of skaters, the building of a skate park.  It would be the 1st one this city has seen and would be a great tool to reach the youth here.  It's still just a thought and is going to require a lot of planning, and prayer, but I am confident if this is something the Lord wants than He will fully provide for it.  This is something I've always wanted to be a part of so I'm very excited to see how it turns out.  Thank you so much for your continued prayer and support!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lord, I believe, help my unbelief

I can say with confidence that all of us have reached a place of absolute desperation or hopelessness with ourselves. My time of desperation has come multiple times but most recently last week when it came to my studies.  When I sit down and study, most of the time I begin to get anxious because I feel hopeless to gather and order my thoughts.  My memory fails me as I try and remember things I've studied; I can no longer bring to memory things that I myself have considered as I study a particular section of Scripture.  It becomes exhausting as I sit in front of a computer screen for hours and feel like I've accomplished nothing.  A couple weeks back I reached the end of the line and cried out to the Lord.  It was such a beautiful comforting time as the Lord so gently and lovingly directed me to II Timothy 1:7 during our 1st Sunday night chapel with the Bible college students.  It reads "For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind." The last 2 words "sound mind" shined out to me like a Las Vegas strip neon sign!  A sound mind...a sound mind.  A self-controlled, disciplined or otherwise sensible mind.  The Lord reminded me that He is able to calm my heart, order my thoughts, and give me the ability to communicate His word.  If you or I are experiencing any sort of instability of mind we know that it's not from God, it's from the enemy.  When I'm in that place I can confidently push away the enemy's lies and call on the Lord to give me that sound mind.  What a beautiful place of peace that is!

A few weeks ago on March 19th we had our long awaited soccer tournament.  The last few days leading up to it were undoubtedly stressful as we thought of last minute details that hadn't been considered before hand.  Four days before the tournament date we had a total of 2 teams signed up.  Imagine the doubt of whether there would actually be a turn out at all?!  Finally, the night before the tournament, we had 10 teams signed up; 2 teams short of our maximum.  As it turned out only 8 of those 10 teams showed up to participate.  After some prayer, we sat back and watched the tournament unfold itself.  We started out introducing ourselves to the crowd of at least 100 people.  I gave my testimony and shared the uniqueness of a personal relationship with a risen Lord, as opposed to a set of rules with a common dead leader such as Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Buddha, etc.  Darwin went on to present the gospel in more detail and much to my surprise, he did an altar call to finish his time.  To be honest, I was not completely convinced that this was the best idea.  I feared having a call and standing there like 2 idiots as people looked at us with blank stares.  Much to my surprise we lost count of how many hands went up after 15.  I was extremely excited to see this outcome but also ashamed of my unbelief and lack of boldness.  The tournament rolled on smooth until a player broke his arm.  Shortly after a fight broke out that Darwin and I watched and waited to end.  Until, we were forced to take action and split it up in response to one of the players with cleats, fly kicking another player in the back.  After stern warnings of any more incidents the tournament continued on without a hitch.  6 hours later the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners were declared.  Everyone had heard the gospel, 75% of the participants received a N.T. Spanish Bible, and before we knew it, it was all over! I never thought I could have so much fun doing something like this, but I had a blast!  We had the chance to talk to quite a few of the players after it was all over.  We pointed out the directions found on the inside of their Bibles to Calvary Chapel San Isidro and sent them off expressing a desire to see them there.  All in all the Lord truly did above and beyond what we asked or thought!

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

Prayer to get it started!

Just about ready to start

Ali apparently feeling imprisoned

The tournament officials/scorekeepers, Justine Marees and Ryan Slabach

Sharing my testimony, sharing the good news

Darwin offers accepting Christ

We bow our heads as 18 or more accept Christ

These guys check out their current status in the tournament

Finding out they're in last place.....


We break for a small snack

Darwin and I talking to the players during the break

Darwin was itching to kick around

Oh, we also offered face painting!

The Finalists
3rd place

2nd place

The 1st place champions
The guys proudly wear their winners shirts and check out their new Bibles

One of the major reasons in putting on the tournament was to start a youth group.  We have decided to kick it off next Saturday, April 16th at 7pm.   In the spirit of being honest I would like to confess that I'm not 100% excited about starting it.  I would have to say fear of failure and potential embarrassment are factors in my lack of excitement.   It's going to be a serious challenge getting it started.  It reminds me of a quote I once heard "The problem with Christianity isn't that it has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried."  Unlike in the U.S. the kids in this youth group aren't going to be kids that come to church with their parents.  Basically, we're going to have to go out into town and find them.  I ask myself so many questions concerning this: How do you start a conversation like that? What's going to make them want to come? Are they even going to care about God?  The bottom line is it's not about me.  Simply, I need to be obedient to who the Lord directs me to and trust that the Spirit will do the work HE wants to do in them.  So, as I pray, seek, and ask for vision the Lord impresses on my heart the first set of subjects we will be going over: the characteristics of God, starting with His love and mercy.  Everyone here knows about God but the sad truth is that few know of a personal relationship with Him. What better way to show them how true this is than to show them His many beautiful and perfect characteristics.  So I go on asking the Lord to help my unbelief, believing that like in the soccer tournament He can do more than I expect.  Full steam ahead! Please keep the youth group in prayer. 

Finally, we've recently acquired a new member to our team, Bailey Constant.  It's been a huge encouragement and challenge to see her fervor and desire to reach the people in this country.  She hit the ground running as she immediately began to plan a VBS during "semana santa" or holy week, which is conveniently when the kids have a week off of school.  We're estimating 100 kids from the neighborhood and surrounding areas will show up to this 3 day event.  Please pray for her and all the details concerning this "club de niños."

Thank you so much for your prayers.  Please email me with any prayer requests and I will add it to my recently made prayer list that I intend on going through a few times a week.  Thank you for your support, I wish I could thank you individually for that but I do no receive information as to who supports me.  Blessings!

Below are some pictures from the all girls orphanage that we visit weekly.  These pictures are from the 1st time I went.
Goofing off with some songs with Miguel and Peyton

Fascinated with fake mustaches

Working on projects of women of the Bible

I wish I knew what was going on here