Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Starting a new chapter

Job 23:13 says "but He is unique, and who can make Him change? And whatever His soul desires, that He does."  Reading this in my devotions I came to a revealing conclusion.  See, our mindset from a human standpoint when we see a phrase like this is absolute selfishness; when we here people say that, it means they're going to do what they want even if it hurts others around them.  When it comes to the Lord however, it is quite the opposite.  I hear this verse and my first thought is, "oh boy, I'm going to get it." But again, our God is not like that.  When He does what His soul desires it means great things for us are in store.  They may not be how we expect them or when we expect them, but He truly desires to bless us; that is what "His soul desires."  I pray that we understand this principle; that we never think that the Lord is out to get us, or that we think that He doesn't care what we think or desire.

This past month has been an interesting one.  We started off the month by going to an all boys orphanage that much to my surprise ended up being a lot closer to our house than I expected.  Sosi and I went with a group led by Peyton, a missionary that lives close to Dominical.  It was much the same set-up as when we went to the girls orphanage except these guys were even rowdier than the girls.  We played games, hung out, did a Bible lesson, and did some crafts.  Those kids are really in need of love and consistency; I really hope to, along with the Bible college students, show them even a glimpse of Christs' love and His faithfulness. It seems it will go a little easier for us to get plugged in here than it was with the girls orphanage.  Lord willing we'll be able to get the guy students involved this coming semester as part of their community service.

The boys orphanage

Mike Chavez and I talking to some kids

The remainder of my month was spent basically visiting with people.  I was so blessed to visit California for a short 10-day trip.  It was such a refreshing time with my family, close friends, and the Calvary Hot Springs youth group.  I also had the opportunity to share what the Lord was doing here in Costa Rica with the Calvary Hot Springs congregation.  It was such a blessing to be around so many loving familiar faces and hear how the Lord has been working in them since I've been gone.  The Lord is so faithful to provide us with such encouraging fellowship!

The next 2 weeks were spent with Hollie, Jessica, and Carrie as they visited Costa Rica.  We were also very encouraged by their fellowship and servants hearts.  We got the chance to see different parts of Costa Rica with them that previously we weren't able to visit.

Leading the attack on...

Jessica and Hollie waiting to climb...more just posing for pictures while we climbed

While in California the Lord provided further finances for the mobile skate park and I'm excited to say that the grind box materials are in the garage.  Hopefully this week I'll get a start on it.  It's been really exciting to see skaters around town and even have the opportunity to talk to them and explain to them the idea.  It's something that they really want and I believe has HUGE  potential to be effective.  Along with the skate park Darwin and I have put together a tract based on John 10:10, the abundant life in Christ.  Although I'm not normally into tracts I also really believe that this one has the potential to be effective as it is specifically geared toward the culture here.  The start of something new, the start of a new chapter is always something to look forward to and pray a lot for.  Please pray for the youth in this town, they desperately need Christ and they don't even know it.

Plywood, 2x4, sandpaper, polyurethane, angle iron, and paintbrushes for the grind box

Our tract

The first Costa Rica teaching site semester came to an end about 2 weeks ago and so we bid the students a farewell with the blessing of a great semester in our memory. The students were truly a blessing; I hope they went home changed and even more equipped for the service of our Lord. We look forward to another semester of Bible college starting in August.  I will be overseeing Community Service again, please pray for further vision and organizational skills.  I will also be teaching another book of the Bible, hopefully an Old Testament book like I & II Kings.

Taylor and Chandler graduating

During this past semester we began to do a Sunday night chapel for the students.  As we've developed friendships here, we've had the chance to invite those same people to come out on Sunday's and fellowship with us.  I'm so amazed and blessed to see how the Lord took something that was just for the students and turned it into a weekly Bible study that our friends look forward to attending.   This past Sunday night we had no worship songs or musicians, so the Lord put it on my heart to read through Psalm 103 and open it up for discussion.  I was very surprised to see how much input there was, to see their hearts, and to see a different form of worship.  People are excited to keep coming and we feel privileged to be a part of this work.  Please pray that their lives would be truly changed and challenged. We truly desire to see the Lord do great things here.

Well thanks for tuning in, please keep us in prayer as we seek to fully serve our Lord.  Please email me with any prayer requests, I would love to hear from you and pray for you!  Thank you so much for your prayer and support!  You are all truly a blessing!
daily bus ride

Everyday life, cruisin' into town on the bus

One side of the bus station, I pass through here almost everyday

The bus I take to get home from the center of town